Randy Petersen - author at blog.bible

Randy Petersen

Randy Petersen es un escritor independiente y ex director de contenido de integración de las Escrituras para la American Bible Society. Escritor de más de sesenta libros y cientos de lecciones curriculares de la iglesia, también ha servido a las iglesias como maestro de Biblia, coordinador de grupos pequeños, director de teatro, consultor de predicación y lanzador de softbol.

Writer of more than sixty books and hundreds of church curriculum lessons, Randy Petersen has served churches as a Bible teacher, small-groups coordinator, drama director, preaching consultant and softball pitcher.

Did Jesus Tell Jokes?
December 11th, 2014

Did Jesus Tell Jokes?

Randy Petersen

If you’re not laughing out loud when you read some parts of the Bible, you’re missing the point. I’m not denying the serious impact of the Scriptures, but some stories and sayings are just funny . This is especially true in the teachings of Jesus, who was not ...

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How Can I Understand the Bible?
December 9th, 2014

How Can I Understand the Bible?

Randy Petersen

Everybody hears Psalm 23 at funerals and 1 Corinthians 13 at weddings. The biblical language seems quaint, important and reassuring. But can we get behind the religious-sounding cadences and tap into some real meaning? Is it possible to get a message for today from those long-ago documents? Oh, sure, ...

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Finding the Bible in the Exodus Movie
December 5th, 2014

Finding the Bible in the Exodus Movie

Randy Petersen

What was Moses wearing when he told Pharaoh, “Let my people go”? Even the most brilliant Bible scholar can’t tell you, because the book of Exodus omits that detail. Yet that’s one of many decisions a filmmaker must make, using a combination of historical research, educated guesswork, and imagination. ...

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Talking about Exodus: Gods and Kings
December 4th, 2014

Talking about Exodus: Gods and Kings

Randy Petersen

Do you like to go somewhere after a movie and hash it out? Sometimes that’s half the fun, doing your own Siskel-Ebert thing over drinks and eats. Well, this is a movie that cries out for a post-show discussion. So, whether you’re with a church group, a handful of ...

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How do I start reading the Bible?
November 28th, 2014

How do I start reading the Bible?

Randy Petersen

So you want to crack open the Scriptures, but you’re not sure how. The Bible can be daunting, especially to a novice, so here are a few tips to get you started. One day at a time. You won’t become a Bible expert ...

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6 Scary Moments in the Bible
October 31st, 2014

6 Scary Moments in the Bible

Randy Petersen

Fear not is one of the most common phrases in Scripture. Why? Because people were always getting scared silly! In this season of creepiness, let’s look at some Bible stories that are genuinely fright-worthy, but also kind of weird. Medium Rare (1 Samuel 28) ...

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5 Bible Passages to Preserve Your Sanity in Election Season
October 21st, 2014

5 Bible Passages to Preserve Your Sanity in Election Season

Randy Petersen

Relax! This isn’t another scorecard rating the “biblicality” of each candidate. It’s a decidedly non-partisan look at some Scriptures that might keep your faith on course in this contentious time. 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 : “Love is patient, love is kind. . . . It does ...

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Excuses, Excuses
October 17th, 2014

Excuses, Excuses

Randy Petersen

The project isn’t finished. You haven’t done what you promised. You cheated on your diet. You took a sick day to go to a ball game. Now your bossspouseteacherdoctor is standing in front of you, hands on hips, waiting for an answer. No, “the dog ate my homework” doesn’t ...

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