What does the Bible Say About Orphans? Scriptures prompts us to defend “the least of these November 13th, 2014 Jennica Stevens
What does the Bible Say About Orphans?
What does the Bible Say About Orphans? Scriptures prompts us to defend “the least of these November 13th, 2014 Jennica Stevens
Bible Blog

Society has a lot to say about people who are rich, beautiful and popular. There are books written about these people, step-by-step guides that teach readers to follow in the footsteps of the powerful elite. But society rarely has anything to say about people who are weak and vulnerable. That includes orphans.

But God’s priorities are different. And that is apparent throughout the Bible. From the books of the law, to the prophets, to the Psalms and the New Testament, there is a consistent message: God loves orphans, he will come to their aid, and we must care for them in society.

Here are a few verses that highlight what God’s Word says about orphans.

  1. God himself will defend orphans.
    "Do not mistreat any widow or orphan. If you do, I, the Lord, will answer them when they cry out to me for help.” Exodus 22:22 (GNT)
  2. Orphans have rights.
    "Defend the rights of the poor and the orphans; be fair to the needy and the helpless.” Psalm 82:3 (GNTD)
  3. God takes care of orphans
    "He protects the strangers who live in our land; he helps widows and orphans, but takes the wicked to their ruin." Psalm 146:9 (GNTD)
  4. We must act justly toward orphans.
    "See that justice is done—help those who are oppressed, give orphans their rights, and defend widows.” Isaiah 1:17 (GNTD)
  5. Taking care of orphans is an act of true religion.
    "What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world.” James 1:27 (GNTD)

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Jennica Stevens
Jennica Stevens

Jennica Stevens is a Content Manager at American Bible Society. She hails from the cornfields of northern Indiana, where she grew up with her nose in a book. Jennica has a degree in Biblical Literature and Public Relations from Taylor University in Upland, Ind.

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