Matt Cohen - author at

Matt Cohen

Matt se graduó en Penn State (Filosofía) y Southern Seminary (MDiv). Un gimnasta en la universidad, ahora prefiere estar afuera corriendo y haciendo caminatas con su esposa e hijos. Matt es el pastor principal de la Iglesia Citylight en Manayunk, PA.

Matt is a graduate of Penn State (Philosophy) and Southern Seminary (MDiv). A former collegiate gymnast, he now prefers being outside running and hiking with his wife and children. Matt is the Lead Pastor at Citylight Church in Manayunk, PA.

The Delight of a Repentant Life
July 29th, 2019

The Delight of a Repentant Life

Matt Cohen

The first words of the Lord Jesus Christ’s public ministry were, “The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). We tend to focus a lot on the “believe the gospel” part of that charge. But how often do ...

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The Bible’s Guide to Dating
June 3rd, 2019

The Bible’s Guide to Dating

Matt Cohen

What does the Bible say about dating or courtship? It can be difficult to know how to date in a godly way. After all, you won’t find the word “dating” in the Bible. Much of the Bible was written at times and in cultures where arranged marriages were the ...

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Cry in the Right Direction
May 20th, 2019

Cry in the Right Direction

Matt Cohen

“Matt, I think you’re depressed.” The statement shocked me because my wife is not given to exaggeration. Thankfully, because I was shocked I was also speechless, so she was able to continue. For about an hour or so, my wife helped me to see things that, as a pastor, ...

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Motivar la lectura de la Biblia en comunidad
May 14th, 2019

Motivar la lectura de la Biblia en comunidad

Matt Cohen

Me convertí en un corredor cuando tenía veintiún años. Intenté correr varias veces antes, pero nunca perduró. Salía a correr solo, comenzaba demasiado rápido y me rendía con un dolor lateral después de solo cinco minutos. Fue increíblemente desalentador. Todo cambió la primera vez que intenté correr con un ...

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The One-Another Approach to Bible Reading
April 8th, 2019

The One-Another Approach to Bible Reading

Matt Cohen

I became a runner when I was twenty-one. I tried running several times before, but it never stuck. I would go out for a run by myself, start way too fast, and give up with a painful side stitch after only five minutes. It was incredibly discouraging. Everything changed ...

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