RahShell Hemphill  - author at blog.bible

RahShell Hemphill

RahShell Hemphill anteriormente se desempeñó como asistente administrativo en la American Bible Society. Ella creció y vive en Filadelfia, donde algunos de sus pasatiempos favoritos son caminar junto al río o simplemente sentarse junto al río con un buen libro. A RahShell le encanta dedicar tiempo a su familia y ministerio como parte de su iglesia local.

RahShell Hemphill formerly served as a senior administrative assistant at American Bible Society. She grew up and lives in Philadelphia where some of her favorite past times are walking along the river or just sitting by the river with a good book. RahShell loves devoting time to her family and ministry as part of her local church.

¿Aplastado y quebrantado? ¡Dios sigue contigo!
May 5th, 2020

¿Aplastado y quebrantado? ¡Dios sigue contigo!

RahShell Hemphill

Cuando era niña, una de mis cosas favoritas era colorear. Yo era perfeccionista. Tenía que quedarme dentro de las líneas en todo momento. Crayola era mi marca favorita de lápices de colores porque colorean mejor. No podrías traerme crayones baratos porque no los usaría. Simplemente no coloreaban ...

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Crushed and Broken? God Is Still with You!
May 4th, 2020

Crushed and Broken? God Is Still with You!

RahShell Hemphill

As a kid, one of my favorite things to do was to color. I was a perfectionist. I had to stay inside the lines at all times. Crayola was my favorite brand of crayon because they color the best. You couldn’t bring me cheap crayons because I wouldn’t use ...

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Why You are Never Too Broken for God to Use
April 3rd, 2018

Why You are Never Too Broken for God to Use

RahShell Hemphill

As a kid, one of my favorite things to do was to color. I was a perfectionist. I had to stay inside the lines at all times. Crayola was my favorite brand of crayon because they color the best. You couldn’t bring me cheap crayons because I wouldn’t use ...

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