Rachel Dawn Hayes - author at blog.bible

Rachel Dawn Hayes

Rachel Dawn Hayes is a writer focused in the faith-based arena. She tells the stories of ministries, people, and causes she can passionately stand behind. Rachel lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband and daughter. As a family, they enjoy traveling and being outside.

Poner en práctica la gratitud
October 29th, 2019

Poner en práctica la gratitud

Rachel Dawn Hayes

La Biblia nos dice que nos regocijemos. Todo el tiempo y en todo. Me paso los días haciendo malabares con un niño pequeño, trabajo independiente, trabajo voluntario, un esposo, los amigos y un hogar. Hago comidas que son demasiado complejas. Regularmente programo demasiado en mis días. No estoy continuamente ...

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A Practice of Gratitude
October 14th, 2019

A Practice of Gratitude

Rachel Dawn Hayes

The Bible tells us to rejoice. All the time and in everything. I spend my days juggling a toddler, freelance work, volunteer positions, a husband, friends, and a household. I cook meals that are too complex. I regularly overschedule my days. I am not continuously mindful of my very ...

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