Where Was God on 9/11? A chaplain learns that a light indeed shines in the darkness. September 11th, 2014 Art Pace
Where Was God on 9/11?
Where Was God on 9/11? A chaplain learns that a light indeed shines in the darkness. September 11th, 2014 Art Pace
Bible Blog

We all remember where we were on Sept. 11, 2001, the day a group of murderers attacked America.

Although they managed to find a weakness in our nation, they exposed a strength. They bent us, but they did not break us. They killed our citizens, but not our spirits. They targeted our buildings, but missed our hearts.

They wanted to bring America to its knees. In that, they were successful. America did indeed go to its knees, but not in defeatist submission. It was in prayer. A spiritual vitality that had not been seen in a long time was reborn. Americans were reminded that we are indeed one nation under God.

In the aftermath of the attacks, I provided chaplain coverage to the burned survivors of the Pentagon in the local hospitals in Washington, DC. I visited with patients, eventually focusing exclusively on eight, who were in the intensive care burn ward of the Washington Hospital Center.

Where was God when America was attacked? I was asked this question repeatedly. My answer was straightforward. Besides holding up the twin towers for 45 minutes and raising up heroes, God was touching the lives of all of us.

Including me.

One evening, I was driving home after my shift ended. Despite my bold declarations that God was present during the attacks, I felt tired, weepy and, frankly, angry with him. I had spent the entire day with my eight patients, and I worried about their survival.

As I drove the Beltway, I asked God why he allowed this atrocity to happen. It was then that I noticed activity on a bridge over the highway. A few college-age men and women had gathered, facing the Pentagon, and had draped a flag over the bridge railing.

As I got closer, I could see that each held candles, and with heads bowed, appeared to be praying. It occurred to me that just a few days ago, they probably wouldn’t have given the Pentagon a second thought. But tonight, they had gathered to pray for those who had suffered great loss.

As I passed beneath the bridge, I heard the voice of God clearly: “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5).

Clarity came.

Those young people gathered to pray for people they did not know. But especially, they gathered to pray for a lone chaplain whose faith was sagging.

Yes, God was there. I not only heard him. I saw him in action. My faith was lifted and my hope rekindled.

This 9/11, let our thoughts turn to our heavenly Father who promised he would never leave us or forsake us.

He kept his word. He always does.

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Art Pace
Art Pace

Chaplain (Colonel) Art Pace, retired, is the executive director for the Armed Services Ministry of American Bible Society. He served 30 years as a U.S. Army chaplain. He retired from active duty on August 17, 2012, and on August 27, 2012 joined American Bible Society. He is the proud son of a WWII veteran, and the proud grandson of a WWI Veteran.

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