Alex Miller es coautor de A Bow From My Shadow, una colección de poemas escritos en diálogo con la obra de Luke Irwin (Ecco Qua Press, 2013). Sus ensayos y poemas han aparecido, entre otros lugares, en The Millions, Transpositions, The Cortland Review, The Adirondack Review, The Cider Press Review. Es profesor en el Gordon College en Wenham, MA, y profesor de inglés.
Alex Miller is the co-author of A Bow From My Shadow, a collection of poems written in dialogue with work by Luke Irwin (Ecco Qua Press, 2013). His essays and poems have appeared, among other places, in The Millions, Transpositions, The Cortland Review, The Adirondack Review, The Cider Press Review. He is a Lecturer at Gordon College in Wenham, MA, and an English teacher.