Mark Giacobbe - author at

Mark Giacobbe

Mark Giacobbe vive en Filadelfia, donde es pastor asociado de la Vida Comunitaria en la Iglesia Citylight y profesor de Nuevo Testamento en el Seminario Teológico de Westminster.

Mark Giacobbe lives in Philadelphia, where he is Associate Pastor of Community Life at Citylight Church and a Lecturer in New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary.

¿Por qué leer el Evangelio de Mateo?
October 8th, 2019

¿Por qué leer el Evangelio de Mateo?

Mark Giacobbe

Hay algo que he notado cuando me reúno con viejos amigos para hablar sobre los días pasados: recordamos los mismos eventos de manera diferente. Algunas veces estas diferencias implican discrepancias que piden ser resueltas. Pero usualmente involucran diferentes perspectivas; diferentes ángulos en el mismo evento, con ...

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Why Read Matthew’s Gospel?
September 23rd, 2019

Why Read Matthew’s Gospel?

Mark Giacobbe

There’s something I’ve noticed when I get together with old friends to talk about days gone by: we remember the same events differently. Sometimes these differences involve discrepancies that beg to be resolved. But usually they involve different perspectives; different angles on the same event, with ...

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Everything You Need To Know About Luke
June 24th, 2019

Everything You Need To Know About Luke

Mark Giacobbe

The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts together make up more than twenty-five percent of our New Testament—more than the letters of Paul. These books, a carefully crafted two-part account of Jesus and the early church, were written by a single author, traditionally identified as “Luke the ...

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Cuando Jesús clamó en la cruz
April 16th, 2019

Cuando Jesús clamó en la cruz

Mark Giacobbe

«Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has abandonado?» El grito de abandono de la cruz de Jesús registrado en Marcos 15:34 nos persigue cada temporada de Cuaresma. Tradicionalmente, la iglesia reserva esta temporada para reflexionar sobre el profundo misterio de Dios separado de Dios, el Hijo eterno expulsado ...

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When Jesus cried for help
April 1st, 2019

When Jesus cried for help

Mark Giacobbe

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesuss cry of dereliction from the cross recorded in Mark 15:33-34 haunts us each Lenten season. Traditionally, the church sets aside this season to ponder the deep mystery of God sundered from God, the eternal Son cast out from the ...

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