Nicholas Hemming - author at

Nicholas Hemming

Nicholas Hemming se desempeñó como especialista de contenido para la American Bible Society. Como un niño del sur de Nuevo Hampshire, creció explorando ciudades ocultas a lo largo de la costa rocosa de Nueva Inglaterra. Aunque ahora reside en Filadelfia, Pensilvania, continúa explorando con curiosidad su hogar y los pueblos, ciudades y países que se encuentran más allá de su hogar.

Nicholas Hemming served as a Content Specialist for American Bible Society. As a child of Southern New Hampshire, he grew up exploring hidden towns along the rocky New England coast. Though he now resides in Philadelphia, PA, he continues to curiously explore his home—and the towns, cities and countries that lay beyond his home.

4 Bible Verses to Remind You of God’s Love When You Feel Rejected
April 3rd, 2015

4 Bible Verses to Remind You of God’s Love When You Feel Rejected

Nicholas Hemming

A few weeks ago, I found myself staring aimlessly into the distance, feeling dazed as I tried to control my out-of-control thoughts. With my hands neatly folded behind my head, I wrestled with feelings of rejection and abandonment. I longed to feel accepted and affirmed, though in this place, ...

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How Can I Rely On God When Finances Cause Stress In My Marriage?
April 2nd, 2015

How Can I Rely On God When Finances Cause Stress In My Marriage?

Nicholas Hemming

As my wife and I prepared for marriage, we received more warnings—and more tips, suggestions and recommendations for success—than we ever imagined. While working to absorb all of the information shared with us, we noticed a common thread: almost every couple has grappled with the tension of managing finances. ...

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How Can I Feel Contentment Instead of Envy?
March 27th, 2015

How Can I Feel Contentment Instead of Envy?

Nicholas Hemming

By nature, I am a competitive person. Though I rarely play sports as passionately as I once did, my “combative side” kicks in during subtle competitions: playing board games, comparing hometowns, watching professional sports. But at times, these subtle competitions can take me down a much darker path, turning ...

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4 Bible Verses for Finding Comfort in the Face of Failure
March 26th, 2015

4 Bible Verses for Finding Comfort in the Face of Failure

Nicholas Hemming

I know what it’s like to fear failure. As a classic over-thinker, I often deliberate over outcomes until I’ve exhausted my ability to think clearly. Why? Because I don’t want to fail. I don’t want others to see me in a state of defeat. And more than anything, I ...

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How Do I Encourage A Loved One Who Feels Trapped By Depression?
March 24th, 2015

How Do I Encourage A Loved One Who Feels Trapped By Depression?

Nicholas Hemming

For those caught in the darkness of depression, feelings of hopelessness and despair often overtake feelings of joy and fulfillment. Positive thoughts often yield to negative opinions. And the joy of company—of spending meaningful time with friends and family—often washes away, leaving the victim feeling alone and discouraged. ...

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Prayers for Hurting Families
March 19th, 2015

Prayers for Hurting Families

Nicholas Hemming

The home often symbolizes a place of comfort, warmth and solitude. Yet so often, families carry burdens that feel insurmountable, from separation and divorce to constant conflict and unmet expectations. What we envision as a place of safety and security often feels like a place of hurt and hostility. ...

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How Can I Find Comfort When Everything Changes?
March 17th, 2015

How Can I Find Comfort When Everything Changes?

Nicholas Hemming

In grade school, I routinely feared the unstructured summer months. New schedules, new responsibilities, new commitments—the “newness” of summer life always unearthed my deepest anxieties, leaving my head spinning as I wrestled with the transition. Once I had fully adjusted to life beyond the classroom, I began preparing for ...

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How can I find peace in the midst of stress?
March 12th, 2015

How can I find peace in the midst of stress?

Nicholas Hemming

Often described as creatures of habit, we walk through our daily lives seeking a familiar rhythm: wake up, brew coffee, drive to work, complete key tasks, drive home, make dinner, prepare for bed—the cycle has become engrained in our minds. Yet with some regularity, this rhythm becomes interrupted ...

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