Randy Petersen - author at blog.bible

Randy Petersen

Randy Petersen es un escritor independiente y ex director de contenido de integración de las Escrituras para la American Bible Society. Escritor de más de sesenta libros y cientos de lecciones curriculares de la iglesia, también ha servido a las iglesias como maestro de Biblia, coordinador de grupos pequeños, director de teatro, consultor de predicación y lanzador de softbol.

Writer of more than sixty books and hundreds of church curriculum lessons, Randy Petersen has served churches as a Bible teacher, small-groups coordinator, drama director, preaching consultant and softball pitcher.

When Everyone Else is Singing… Except Me
October 16th, 2014

When Everyone Else is Singing… Except Me

Randy Petersen

Maybe you’ve been there: In a worship service with praise erupting all around you, but you’re just not into it. You don’t want to ruin everyone else’s fun, and you might even try to sing along, but the notes are hollow. “Surely God is good to Israel, but ...

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6 Bible Verses for Football Season (and an Extra Point)
October 14th, 2014

6 Bible Verses for Football Season (and an Extra Point)

Randy Petersen

We’re in the thick of football season, with gridiron greats at all levels donning pads and cleats and pushing the pigskin down the field. So what does the Bible have to say about this sport? Philippians 3:13-14 Sounding like a halfback dodging defenders, ...

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