Randy Petersen - author at blog.bible

Randy Petersen

Randy Petersen es un escritor independiente y ex director de contenido de integración de las Escrituras para la American Bible Society. Escritor de más de sesenta libros y cientos de lecciones curriculares de la iglesia, también ha servido a las iglesias como maestro de Biblia, coordinador de grupos pequeños, director de teatro, consultor de predicación y lanzador de softbol.

Writer of more than sixty books and hundreds of church curriculum lessons, Randy Petersen has served churches as a Bible teacher, small-groups coordinator, drama director, preaching consultant and softball pitcher.

Cirugía correctiva de la Biblia
February 18th, 2020

Cirugía correctiva de la Biblia

Randy Petersen

La verdad ha recibido una paliza en los últimos años. Desde la Casa Blanca hasta el Vaticano, se habla de la preocupación por las «noticias falsas», pero la realidad del engaño es tan antigua como el Génesis. Podemos culpar a Internet por sacar la falsedad más rápido que ...

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Corrective Surgery from the Bible
February 10th, 2020

Corrective Surgery from the Bible

Randy Petersen

Truth has taken a beating in the last few years. From the White House to the Vatican, the concern for “fake news” is talked about, but the reality of deception is as old as Genesis. We can blame the Internet for getting falsehood out faster than before. We ...

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Dos formas de animar tu lectura de la Biblia
February 4th, 2020

Dos formas de animar tu lectura de la Biblia

Randy Petersen

Muchos lectores de la Biblia adquieren cierto ritmo: leen entre 5 y 10 versículos de la Biblia y hacen ciertas preguntas para profundizar en el significado. Quizá leyeron un segmento de un libro devocional. Este es un buen modelo para el estudio de la Biblia, no es necesario cambiarlo. ...

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2 Ways to Animate Your Bible Reading
February 3rd, 2020

2 Ways to Animate Your Bible Reading

Randy Petersen

Many Bible readers get into a certain rhythm—reading 5-10 verses of the Bible text and asking certain questions to dig into the meaning. Perhaps they read an entry from a devotional booklet. This is a fine model for Bible study, no need to change it. Unless ...

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Cómo hablar con personas que no creen en la Biblia
August 13th, 2019

Cómo hablar con personas que no creen en la Biblia

Randy Petersen

Hay dos tipos de personas en el mundo: los que dividen el mundo en dos tipos de personas y los que no. Como cristianos, tendemos a estar en ese primer grupo. Vemos una división esencial en el mundo. Los salvados y los perdidos. Creyentes y no ...

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A Closer Look at the Bible’s Epistles
April 16th, 2018

A Closer Look at the Bible’s Epistles

Randy Petersen

Genres are categories of literature, each with its own tone and techniques. The Bible uses a handful of genres—narrative and law, prophecy and letters, wisdom literature, and apocalyptic literature. Understanding the genre in which the passage is written can help guide our reading. Follow the  Biblical Genre Series  to ...

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Meeting the Apostle Paul on the Big Screen
March 19th, 2018

Meeting the Apostle Paul on the Big Screen

Randy Petersen

While Paul: Apostle of Christ covers events just after the New Testament’s coverage ends, it is richly informed by Scripture. It draws us into the ancient world, where those who follow Jesus are exploring how to live out their faith in critical situations. Viewers will ...

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How to Read the Bible’s Apocalyptic Literature
November 27th, 2017

How to Read the Bible’s Apocalyptic Literature

Randy Petersen

“Revelation, ” they said. “We want to study Revelation.” My Bible study group was insisting that I lead them through the last book of the Bible. They hoped that I would be able to explain it all for them. Ha! I had been avoiding Revelation all ...

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