Christina Miller - author at

Christina Miller

Christina Miller tiene una licenciatura en Literatura inglesa de la Universidad de Pepperdine y una Maestría en Divinidad del Seminario Teológico Fuller. Como miembro activo de la Iglesia Episcopal, Christina ha servido como directora juvenil, directora de formación cristiana, ministro de oración curativa y maestra de educación para adultos. Le encanta viajar y ha pasado largos períodos de tiempo en Alemania, Tanzania e Israel.

Christina Miller has a BA in English Literature from Pepperdine University and Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. As an active member of the Episcopal Church, Christina has served as a youth director, Christian formation director, healing prayer minister and adult education teacher. She loves to travel and has spent extended periods of time in Germany, Tanzania and Israel.

Permite que un encuentro con Dios te hable
April 21st, 2020

Permite que un encuentro con Dios te hable

Christina Miller

Preguntas en tiempos de pandemia Todos queremos respuestas. Muchas veces surgen fácilmente: ¿A qué hora es la cena? ¿Cuándo regreso a casa? ¿Quién se unirá a mí? Las respuestas aportan claridad y estructura a nuestras vidas. Nos ayudan a saber qué esperar, dándonos direcciones concretas para ordenar nuestro ...

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Allow an Encounter with God to Speak to Your Questions
April 20th, 2020

Allow an Encounter with God to Speak to Your Questions

Christina Miller

Questions in a time of pandemic We all want answers. Many times they are easily given: What time is dinner? When is my trip home? Who will join me? Answers bring clarity and structure to our lives. They help us know what to expect, giving us concrete handles ...

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Viaja con Jesús en el desierto
March 3rd, 2020

Viaja con Jesús en el desierto

Christina Miller

La temporada de Cuaresma está sobre nosotros, comenzando la semana pasada con el miércoles de ceniza. En muchas iglesias, el clero trazó cenizas en las frentes de los destinatarios, recitando las palabras: «Recuerda que eres polvo y al polvo volverás». Este sombrío recordatorio nos llevó a un viaje de ...

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Journey with Jesus in the Desert
March 2nd, 2020

Journey with Jesus in the Desert

Christina Miller

The season of Lent is upon us, beginning last week with Ash Wednesday. In many churches, clergy traced ashes across recipients’ foreheads, reciting the words, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return.” This somber reminder led us into a 40-day journey, mirroring Jesus’s time of ...

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What are we waiting for?
December 16th, 2019

What are we waiting for?

Christina Miller

I often wonder how Mary felt in the days leading up to Jesuss birth. What did it feel like to nurture and carry the Messiah? What physical pain and spiritual peace did she experience? When she received news of her unexpected pregnancy, Luke tells us, Mary treasured up all ...

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Cómo leer la Biblia para que te transforme
March 5th, 2019

Cómo leer la Biblia para que te transforme

Christina Miller

¿Alguna vez has leído un libro en el momento justo? De vez en cuando me encuentro con una pieza de ficción que me habla directamente. Los temas y personajes me dan perspicacia y sabiduría. La escritura desafía mis presunciones, lo que me obliga a tomar medidas. Responde a mis ...

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How to Study a Bible Passage
October 23rd, 2017

How to Study a Bible Passage

Christina Miller

Perhaps you’ve selected a Bible and started reading it. Maybe you’re even setting aside regular times to reflect or pray. You’ve gotten a taste of what’s inside, and a desire for God’s words is growing in you as you recognize the nourishment God offers in these encounters. What comes ...

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How Labyrinths Can Help Us Walk in the Peace Jesus Promises
September 11th, 2017

How Labyrinths Can Help Us Walk in the Peace Jesus Promises

Christina Miller

The light slants on smooth marble. The room is still. Everything has been cleared, even the hard pews and baptismal font, those familiar markers of corporate worship. An elaborate pattern is laid out in front of me, taking up the majority of the floor. In twists and turns, it ...

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