Dottie McLoughlin - author at

Dottie McLoughlin

Dottie McLoughlin se desempeña como asistente ejecutiva en el Ministerio Global en la American Bible Society. Mientras residía en las afueras de Filadelfia toda su vida, recientemente comenzó a explorar sus museos, vecindarios y restaurantes, disfrutando plenamente de la experiencia de la cuidad del Amor Fraternal. Dottie está casada y tiene tres hijos adultos y cinco nietos.

Dottie McLoughlin serves as an Executive Assistant in Ministry Mobilization at American Bible Society. While residing just outside of Philadelphia her entire life, she just recently started exploring its museums, neighborhoods and restaurants, thoroughly enjoying the City of Brotherly Love experience. Dottie is married with three grown children and five grandchildren.

Scripture for every season of life
January 6th, 2020

Scripture for every season of life

Dottie McLoughlin

I recently reached Senior Citizen status and was having a little trouble celebrating the event. It seemed a bit unreal—after all, wasnt I just 35 a year or two ago? Then I remembered: Oh yeah, the kids are married with families of their own. My husband and I downsized ...

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Crianza de los hijos con confianza
September 12th, 2019

Crianza de los hijos con confianza

Dottie McLoughlin

No sabía que mi corazón podría estar tan lleno. Una mirada a la carita de mi recién nacido y supe que todas mis elecciones futuras girarían en torno a la mejor manera de cuidar y proveer lo necesario para ese pequeño. Mientras estudiaba esas pequeñas manos ...

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4 maneras de orar por tu cónyuge cuando no quieres
April 25th, 2019

4 maneras de orar por tu cónyuge cuando no quieres

Dottie McLoughlin

«¡Siempre estás trabajando y nunca estás en casa para ayudarme!» me quejé. Ahí lo dije. ¿Pero era verdad? Realmente no. Solo quería expresar mi opinión tan seriamente que estaba dispuesto a exagerar el problema. Sí, trabajó largas horas para mantener a nuestra familia, pero solo quería ...

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3 Salmos para luchar contra una enfermedad invisible
March 28th, 2019

3 Salmos para luchar contra una enfermedad invisible

Dottie McLoughlin

Dije que estaba bien, pero en realidad no lo estaba. Tuve problemas para concentrarme y sentí náuseas todo el tiempo. Al principio, ni siquiera estaba seguro de lo que estaba pasando, solo sabía que me sentía muy mal. Resulta que un virus que ni siquiera sabía ...

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Parenting with Confidence
September 14th, 2017

Parenting with Confidence

Dottie McLoughlin

I didn’t know my heart could be so full. One look at my newborn’s tiny face, and I knew all my future choices would revolve around how best to care and provide for that little one. As I studied those little hands and feet, I was struck by ...

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Exhausted by Caring for Others? God’s Word Gives You Strength
August 17th, 2017

Exhausted by Caring for Others? God’s Word Gives You Strength

Dottie McLoughlin

Who needs to call a repairman when you have a father who is handy? Washer stopped spinning? Refrigerator making a weird noise? My dad was always happy to come over and save the day. Until the day he said No . I knew it wasnt like Dad ...

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Psalms of Comfort for Times of Grief
July 11th, 2017

Psalms of Comfort for Times of Grief

Dottie McLoughlin

When I was with her, I felt ageless. The years fell away and we were, once again, college coeds enjoying what life had to offer. In college, Kozy was the fun one of our group. Her heart was so big and she had room in it for all ...

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How to Have Grace for Yourself as a Parent
July 6th, 2017

How to Have Grace for Yourself as a Parent

Dottie McLoughlin

In retrospect, my parenting résumé doesn’t look too bad. I’ve raised three kids into successful adults who now love and care for their own families. Everyone turned out okay, but sometimes that was despite me. I’ll never forget how angelic they looked when they were ...

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